Monday, January 1, 2007

Happy New Year, in New Zealand--Kristin

Happy New Year! For our New Year's Resolution this year, we've said "New Year, New Country" We'll check that off the to do list in a couple of days. In the meantime, we've been enjoying New Zealand, which is so different from Australia.

1. New Zealand is one of the youngest land masses geologically--which means rugged mountains, active volcanoes, steep hills and valleys. Australia is on one of the oldest masses--flat and still.

2. New Zealand has nothing venemous. They make up for a lack of indigenous peril by inventing new ways to die, such as bungee jumping from anything over 12 feet high. Austalia, on the other hand, is much touted as having poisonous spiders, snakes, jellyfish, octopi, shells, ticks, and ravenous crocodiles and sharks, and therefore residents get their adrenaline rush from having made to work in one piece.

3. New Zealand is lush, green, and the North Island is well known for its farm produce. Australia is having its worst drought in 1000 years. BYO water if you're heading to Eastern South Australia.

4. New Zealand is a consistent mix of the Maori and primarily British immigrants and descedents, who get along relatively well and consider themselves kiwis all. Australians still have some racial tensions with the aboriginal peoples, as well as the large influx of people from asia and the pacific islands (30% of the population of perth is newly arrived).

5. There's snow in New Zealand, with regular skiing. Not so much in Australia.

And on, and on, and on. For two countries that we in the Northern Hemisphere tend to speak of as one larger entity, they are really quite different. If we hadn't left the power cord for our new digital camera with the mountain of luggage in the airport, we would be able to show you some of the photos. Alas, you'll just have to wait for the movie.

Well, we're off to look as some victorian gardens and hike a volcano -- more updates later!

1 comment:

Jaymi said...

Glad to hear you have made it to New Zealand... if I've got this all figured out correctly, you should be in Australia as I type this.. Hope to hear from you soon! I'll send you a regular e-mail as well Kris!